Uni has been keeping me pretty busy recently with assignments and mid semester exams. I'm really enjoying the mine ventilation course I'm taking at the moment - I have a prac at the UQ mine on Wednesday which should be interesting.
The touch season is off to a good start with our division E (yes, that is the lowest division) team recording a 10-1 loss tonight. However this is an improvement on last week's score of 10-0. The team I play in on Wednesday nights is performing a bit better with a 9-4 win last week.
In more exciting news (I know what you're thinking - how can anything be more exciting than my touch team's epic losses), I'll be doing vac work with Golder Associates during the summer holidays!!! They are an employee-owned company with international expertise in ground engineering, earth and environmental services. I'm going to be working in the civil design department which means that half the work I do will be mining related and the other half will be civil related. I'll be based at their Brisbane office for most of the time with a trip or two out to the Queensland Gas Company (one of their clients) gas fields which are south-south-east of Chinchilla. I can't wait to start - it's sure to be a fantastic experience!
On Thursday night of last week I helped out at the UQ Careers in Engineering night (along with most of the other QRC scholarship students). It was a great chance for high school aged students to find out more about what engineering offers and what it's really like. If you couldn't make it this year, either leave a message on one of our blogs, join the facebook group or come along next year if you're not in grade 12.
Also last week was the Baulderstone and Nutrient Water sponsored CESA BBQ which was a great success. Thankfully for everyone there I wasn't cooking the sausages, but if I do say so myself, I think I did a pretty awesome job stacking the piles of bread and serviettes. CESA is currently planning a first year BBQ for Wednesday 2 September (next week) sponsored by UQ, so any first years, you'll be finding out about it soon enough.
Ok, better go now!
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